
St.Mary's Church Dubai

SMGD aims to unite and encourage Goans within the St. Mary’s, Dubai Church to actively partake in the parish community.

Unite Goans based in Dubai

Foster Goan culture and Konkani language

Enhance spiritual growth through retreats & prayer meetings

Help needy Goans in Dubai through outreach programs

As one of the “languages” of the liturgical action, liturgical music is integral and necessary for a worthy participative celebration. Although music is not indispensable for the liturgical celebration, its contribution is irreplaceable. Over the years SMGD choir Dubai has helped the community to profess their faith in God, to praise and pray to the Almighty. It has also enabled the community to express their fellowship of love with each other through music. May the Virgin Mary who humbly sang the Magnificat to praise and thank God for the wonders He performed to express his love for humanity, guide us in singing on our pilgrimage of faith.